World of Warcraft Ravencrest EU Player vs Player Statistics

Standings, ranks, honorable and dishonorable kills and much more for alliance and horde players from Ravencrest EU WoW server

statistics of Guilds Alliance players Horde players
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+/- rating
total HKs
last week HKs
Horde players
nbr pos change rank % player name guild name side lvl class/race hk dhk rating + / - + kills
1501went down-42 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 18 % Hontor horde 60 hunterorc, male 11.055 2 25.919 -454 +253
2502went up+85 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 18 % Papericut Lets Get Naked horde 60 warriorundead, male 5.261 0 25.900 +2417 +753
3503went up+83 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 17 % Kisser Semper Danica horde 60 priestundead, female 8.903 4 25.874 +2358 +657
4504went down-44 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 16 % Golianth Shattered Minds horde 60 warlockorc, male 10.415 1 25.846 -455 +218
5505went up+38 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 16 % Sausagebag Semper Danica horde 60 mageundead, male 6.120 4 25.834 +1364 +458
6506went down-43 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 16 % Lanugo Shattered Minds horde 60 roguetroll, male 12.603 17 25.827 -354 +189
7507went up+62 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 16 % Brërk Nove Avatara horde 60 magetroll, male 6.858 1 25.824 +1888 +672
8508went up+57 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 16 % Lissandra Ruin horde 60 rogueundead, female 21.302 5 25.814 +1847 +307
9509went up+163 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 16 % Pisten BloodLords horde 60 warriortauren, male 8.088 4 25.806 +3725 +912
10510went down-39 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 15 % Farlon Sisu horde 60 mageundead, male 16.860 19 25.797 -248 +315
11511went up+24 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 15 % Zeal Shattered Minds horde 60 huntertroll, female 7.372 0 25.776 +1062 +426
12512went up+110 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 14 % Jhk Know your Enemy horde 60 hunterorc, male 14.527 0 25.736 +2948 +972
13513went down-134 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 14 % Coco Veturi horde 60 shamantroll, male 17.046 1 25.715 -2500 +0
14514went up+124 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 14 % Daliya Veturi horde 60 hunterorc, female 9.013 1 25.700 +3085 +899
15515went up+10 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 13 % Vuti The Untamed horde 60 rogueundead, male 14.696 7 25.688 +775 +413
16516went down-33 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 13 % Voncorax Shattered Minds horde 60 warriortauren, male 12.757 1 25.668 -150 +632
17517went up+176 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 12 % Ingulf Temporary horde 60 shamantauren, male 16.080 14 25.623 +3928 +910
18518went down-132 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 12 % Doomdiver horde 60 warlockundead, male 15.946 5 25.613 -2500 +0
19519went up+84 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 11 % Kaxxaru Dusk Ronin horde 60 magetroll, male 5.980 1 25.596 +2496 +776
20520went up+65 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 11 % Kotha Kuolleiden Armeija horde 60 mageundead, male 6.322 7 25.583 +2044 +636
21521went down-114 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 10 % Sabotaj Public Enemies horde 60 rogueundead, male 47.737 11 25.523 -2028 +141
22522went up+206 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 9 % R?skemaskin Dream walkers horde 60 warriororc, male 5.691 0 25.493 +4399 +975
23523went up+95 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 8 % Anril Nove Avatara horde 60 hunterorc, female 20.608 0 25.438 +2568 +823
24524went up+163 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 8 % Carne horde 60 warlockundead, male 8.501 1 25.413 +3605 +826
25525went down-71 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 7 % Insomniax horde 60 priestundead, female 9.991 1 25.395 -1196 +113
26526went down-81 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 7 % Athle Dusk Ronin horde 60 roguetroll, male 7.596 2 25.374 -1342 +58
27527went down-129 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 6 % Shamran ANSI horde 60 shamantauren, male 15.742 1 25.343 -2500 +0
28528went down-28 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 6 % Plz Empire horde 60 warlockundead, male 5.302 0 25.334 -98 +339
29529went up+132 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 6 % Subniggurath Shattered Minds horde 60 shamantauren, male 8.258 9 25.320 +3085 +960
30530went up+207 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 6 % Naz Public Enemies horde 60 warriortauren, male 10.533 1 25.310 +4289 +1490
31531went up+13 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 6 % Yastrakow Temporary horde 60 shamantauren, male 17.875 15 25.303 +896 +533
32532went up+98 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 6 % Munkedk Empire horde 60 mageundead, female 12.885 20 25.300 +2580 +1010
33533went down-134 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 5 % Malyniak Temporary horde 60 shamantauren, male 14.361 0 25.292 -2500 +55
34534went up+144 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 5 % Sauli Undecidéd horde 60 druidtauren, male 5.315 0 25.282 +3340 +784
35535went down-83 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 5 % Shaq Empire horde 60 warriororc, male 7.191 9 25.282 -1355 +74
36536went up+254 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 5 % Kria Oni horde 60 rogueundead, female 13.320 5 25.250 +4850 +1381
37537went up+26 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 4 % Klabbi Dusk Ronin horde 60 warriorundead, male 7.898 2 25.215 +1164 +306
38538went up+50 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 4 % Rogtraloss LFM BWL Benohopilus horde 60 rogueundead, male 7.113 3 25.208 +1755 +515
39539went up+40 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 3 % Funtaz The Untamed horde 60 priestundead, male 14.387 2 25.170 +1557 +531
40540went down-137 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 2 % Yarskius Undecidéd horde 60 hunterorc, male 21.088 2 25.131 -2500 +29
41541went up+175 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 2 % Bublik Dusk Ronin horde 60 shamantroll, male 10.511 3 25.125 +3738 +884
42542went down-4 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 0 % Khaltora The Opposition horde 60 hunterorc, male 14.199 0 25.034 +379 +451
43543went down-29 Rank 7  - Blood Guard 0 % Demie Temporary horde 60 huntertauren, male 15.013 1 25.002 -209 +270
44544went down-37 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 99 % Archibald Ruin horde 60 hunterorc, male 18.985 7 24.959 -354 +293
45545went down-48 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 98 % Flensor Temporary horde 60 shamantauren, male 22.335 7 24.927 -626 +231
46546went down-129 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 97 % Shadukan Evil Inc horde 60 priestundead, male 22.584 7 24.873 -2500 +19
47547went down-128 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 96 % Setyx Eques Divinus horde 60 rogueundead, male 24.633 2 24.845 -2500 +0
48548went up+47 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 96 % Riviono Dusk Ronin horde 60 mageundead, male 8.250 8 24.841 +1552 +863
49549went up+114 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 96 % Ginvid Veturi horde 60 rogueorc, female 6.444 0 24.836 +2646 +450
50550went up+181 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 96 % Aldhissla The Opposition horde 60 shamantroll, male 12.225 1 24.827 +3744 +844
51551went down-10 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 96 % Daggers Shattered Minds horde 60 rogueundead, male 8.654 12 24.821 +313 +270
52552went down-4 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 95 % Lapsi Sunday Union horde 60 warriorundead, male 9.839 6 24.794 +491 +289
53553went down-79 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 95 % Retaru Semper Danica horde 60 hunterorc, male 14.932 1 24.776 -1187 +97
54554went down-121 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 95 % Wazzuup Veturi horde 60 mageundead, male 14.183 1 24.776 -2220 +70
55555went up+119 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 95 % Blob Know your Enemy horde 60 shamanorc, male 13.725 5 24.771 +2737 +732
56556went down-10 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 95 % Calemeity Odium Aeternum horde 60 rogueundead, female 12.775 9 24.766 +387 +244
57557went down-51 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 95 % Karvakuono Undecidéd horde 60 shamantauren, male 6.709 1 24.761 -560 +209
58558went up+66 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 95 % Tomboy Sisu horde 60 shamanorc, female 8.006 0 24.761 +1991 +677
59559went down-68 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 95 % Korban Shattered Minds horde 60 hunterorc, male 19.298 13 24.750 -911 +133
60560went down-139 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 94 % Eggshell Shattered Minds horde 60 rogueundead, female 20.390 0 24.743 -2500 +23
61561went up+165 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 93 % Stingray Veturi horde 60 hunterorc, male 6.840 0 24.662 +3560 +850
62562went up+85 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 92 % Arcxangel horde 60 druidtauren, male 6.467 0 24.645 +2220 +546
63563went down-138 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 92 % Kampfisk Semper Danica horde 60 hunterorc, male 13.731 3 24.634 -2500 +36
64564went up+143 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 91 % Dannythedog BloodLords horde 60 rogueundead, male 9.982 3 24.563 +3064 +617
65565went down-136 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 91 % Baldtrick The Untamed horde 60 hunterorc, male 16.000 0 24.554 -2500 +4
66566went up+259 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 91 % Destiny Semper Danica horde 60 shamantroll, female 12.088 1 24.553 +4580 +1959
67567went up+17 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 90 % Dreameraser Danish Elite horde 60 rogueundead, male 11.241 0 24.507 +966 +420
68568went up+48 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 89 % Dromi Oni horde 60 warriortauren, male 14.213 0 24.450 +1568 +496
69569went down-134 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 88 % Mosefund The Untamed horde 60 priestundead, male 12.689 0 24.445 -2500 +42
70570went up+70 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 88 % Straat horde 60 huntertroll, male 11.191 0 24.443 +1856 +571
71571went down-5 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 88 % Kikosmo horde 60 shamantauren, male 11.503 4 24.420 +458 +307
72572went up+84 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 88 % Fades Ruin horde 60 priestundead, male 21.571 6 24.409 +2112 +622
73573went down-132 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 87 % Dahlx Oni horde 60 druidtauren, male 12.753 2 24.377 -2398 +34
74574went down-40 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 86 % Friis Empire horde 60 hunterorc, male 10.119 0 24.341 -409 +407
75575went up+135 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 86 % Ezi Know your Enemy horde 60 warriororc, male 12.664 1 24.312 +2836 +759
76576went down-90 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 86 % Elak ANSI horde 60 rogueundead, male 12.287 9 24.300 -1469 +53
77577went up+239 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 85 % Wexr Public Enemies horde 60 warlockundead, male 20.677 9 24.250 +4215 +977
78578went down-79 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 84 % Bengan Temporary horde 60 warriororc, male 21.660 16 24.231 -1215 +88
79579went up+103 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 84 % Winforce Public Enemies horde 60 hunterorc, male 16.514 3 24.213 +2325 +699
80580went up+71 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 83 % Knutenberg Nove Avatara horde 60 rogueorc, male 8.620 0 24.168 +1801 +397
81581went down-9 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 83 % Torturess Odium Aeternum horde 60 rogueundead, female 5.975 14 24.161 +322 +202
82582went down-35 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 82 % Kinson Empire horde 60 rogueundead, male 18.905 3 24.110 -195 +236
83583went up+246 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 80 % Sways ANSI horde 60 hunterorc, male 9.230 0 24.007 +4106 +1701
84584went down-24 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 79 % Rakhart Chaos Strike Back horde 60 shamanorc, male 6.238 0 23.990 -77 +236
85585went down-63 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 79 % Shaaz LFM BWL Benohopilus horde 60 shamantauren, male 8.073 4 23.989 -966 +36
86586went down-69 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 79 % Len Sisu horde 60 shamantauren, male 16.276 0 23.979 -1186 +167
87587went down-132 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 79 % Lenu horde 60 magetroll, male 27.136 1 23.979 -2500 +0
88588went up+240 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 79 % Robb BloodLords horde 60 priestundead, male 14.104 3 23.962 +4041 +1048
89589went down-113 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 78 % Goodly Sunday Union horde 60 priestundead, male 15.160 0 23.929 -2010 +52
90590went up+91 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 78 % Rottenhero Dusk Ronin horde 60 warlockundead, male 8.476 1 23.927 +2034 +995
91591went up+3 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 77 % Listetyv Semper Danica horde 60 rogueundead, male 12.934 8 23.875 +586 +362
92592went down-87 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 76 % Sjaunkai Chaos Strike Back horde 60 rogueundead, male 20.231 25 23.831 -1527 +68
93593went up+27 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 76 % Xon ANSI horde 60 huntertroll, female 8.219 0 23.829 +1007 +324
94594went up+117 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 75 % Morinfen Veturi horde 60 priesttroll, male 12.085 1 23.765 +2305 +725
95595went up+1 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 74 % Krolm The Untamed horde 60 hunterorc, male 11.389 0 23.727 +448 +426
96596went up+264 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 74 % Bafo Public Enemies horde 60 priestundead, male 14.332 3 23.710 +4308 +1370
97597went up+40 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 74 % Brainstorm Chaos Strike Back horde 60 shamantauren, male 7.580 0 23.709 +1090 +665
98598went up+15 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 74 % Noad Oni horde 60 mageundead, male 19.678 0 23.700 +722 +656
99599went down-129 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 73 % Wazzupp Odium Aeternum horde 60 druidtauren, male 9.734 12 23.698 -2356 +31
100600went down-136 Rank 6  - Stone Guard 73 % Kerim Veturi horde 60 warriorundead, male 15.382 3 23.680 -2500 +20