World of Warcraft Ravencrest EU Player vs Player Statistics

Standings, ranks, honorable and dishonorable kills and much more for alliance and horde players from Ravencrest EU WoW server

statistics of Guilds Alliance players Horde players
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+/- rating
total HKs
last week HKs
Guild Prophecy
nbr pos change rank % player name guild name side lvl class/race hk dhk rating + / - + kills
1179went up+85 Rank 8  - Knight-captain 31 % Ulfgar Prophecy alliance 60 warriordwarf, male 13.270 3 31.559 +3585 +1632
2277went down-10 Rank 7  - Knight-lieutenant 74 % Furipozt Prophecy alliance 60 roguenight elf, male 10.880 1 28.745 +814 +247
3282went up+82 Rank 7  - Knight-lieutenant 72 % Azrion Prophecy alliance 60 paladinhuman, male 15.981 3 28.620 +2981 +1165
4392went up+12 Rank 7  - Knight-lieutenant 12 % Muflon Prophecy alliance 60 roguenight elf, male 6.825 1 25.622 +1156 +338
5430went up+100 Rank 6  - Knight 94 % Shorts Prophecy alliance 60 hunternight elf, male 12.703 10 24.747 +3097 +615
6451went up+100 Rank 6  - Knight 84 % Anisha Prophecy alliance 60 druidnight elf, female 7.905 4 24.200 +3028 +892
7485went up+151 Rank 6  - Knight 67 % Razza Prophecy alliance 60 warriorhuman, male 6.039 1 23.387 +3989 +1366
8540went down-110 Rank 6  - Knight 42 % Bartel Prophecy alliance 60 paladinhuman, male 16.342 3 22.149 -1691 +41
9546went down-137 Rank 6  - Knight 38 % Possessed Prophecy alliance 60 hunterdwarf, male 12.994 4 21.901 -2433 +14
10548went up+191 Rank 6  - Knight 37 % Gelgiath Prophecy alliance 60 warlockgnome, male 3.314 0 21.882 +4372 +841
11551went down-66 Rank 6  - Knight 35 % Nixasen Prophecy alliance 60 druidnight elf, male 7.518 3 21.777 -633 +167
12558went up+94 Rank 6  - Knight 30 % Bigshow Prophecy alliance 60 roguehuman, male 6.372 6 21.537 +2427 +723
13570went down-67 Rank 6  - Knight 27 % Kratlusker Prophecy alliance 60 hunternight elf, male 7.615 1 21.389 -724 +57
14609went down-156 Rank 6  - Knight 16 % Parri Prophecy alliance 60 magehuman, male 10.492 0 20.804 -2312 +0
15617went down-45 Rank 6  - Knight 14 % Funnyman Prophecy alliance 60 warriornight elf, male 8.198 2 20.733 -41 +80
16692went up+134 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 86 % Basil Prophecy alliance 60 hunterdwarf, male 6.850 0 19.348 +3312 +619
17740went up+166 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 68 % Greatbeard Prophecy alliance 60 warriordwarf, male 5.869 2 18.420 +3485 +582
18746went up+146 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 67 % Wqs Prophecy alliance 60 hunternight elf, male 3.112 6 18.358 +3182 +411
19818same position Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 41 % Switcha Prophecy alliance 60 warriornight elf, male 5.915 1 17.070 +900 +508
20840went down-840 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 35 % Randomin Prophecy alliance 60 roguenight elf, male 7.692 0 16.756 +0 +0
21857went down-42 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 29 % Taqiliuz Prophecy alliance 60 roguehuman, male 5.855 1 16.465 +246 +296
22858went down-858 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 29 % Randomnewb Prophecy alliance 60 roguegnome, female 4.157 0 16.460 +0 +0
23914went down-159 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 9 % Kastanjekurt Prophecy alliance 60 paladindwarf, male 9.931 2 15.485 -1720 +4
24917went down-45 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 8 % Arcanite Prophecy alliance 60 magehuman, female 2.314 0 15.444 -81 +115
25924went down-163 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 6 % Wyonna Prophecy alliance 60 magehuman, female 3.835 2 15.348 -1705 +0
26976went down-94 Rank 4  - Master Sergeant 93 % Gohlox Prophecy alliance 60 roguegnome, male 2.246 1 14.668 -668 +50